Magnet-Up is your perfect accessory to our famous range of false fingers. Put this mega strenght power magnet into your Thumbs-Up or Finger-Up and you are set for amazing stunts at all times...
Stop and start any watch
Make things cling to each other
Float cutlery
Set off store alarms
Erase a whole video store...(Don't!!!) Change quarters to pennies without palming
Stick a knife in your arm and a spoon on your face...
This and countless other amazing stunts and miracles not even professionals thought possible with just a thumb tip and a magnet will be your asset with Magnet-Up -the Movie.
Featuring video reports from Japan, Las Vegas, Europe on the amazing discoveries magicians made with Thumbs-Up and Magnet-Up.
Magnet-Up comes without the Thumbs-Up thumb tip. Download material available.
BUY NOW - PERFORM THIS MIRACLE! Comes complete with introductory manual incl. photos.
Be very careful with electronics and credit cards!
Second Deal
Add a second one
for only $13.95 (14.95)
Add Thumbs-Up Price: $14.95
Add Finger-Up (for long objects) $19.95
What is it?
Secret gimmick to stop watches and move objects through tables.
Countless possibilities with the world's strongest magnets. Play Uri Geller or go for freaky sight gags.
Fits perfectly into Thumbs-Up Strongest Magnet available Plays huge stages and small bars alike! Made to last Great Visual Effects! Great Comedy Item Very small and safe All complete and ready to go!