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Marvey vs. Kennedy

There seems to be some confusion as to where the difference between the Marvey Card Thru Window and John Kennedy's Card Through Window is. Besides the huge financial aspect and the non-descript issues on refills and actual contents of the package for the JK version there are a few very strong ways to compare the 2 products.

You may want to look at the available online videos of both versions and find out, that one effect is about a whole object jumping through a window and the other about the corner of a card penetrating a covered window...

It is our aim to fully inform you about an effect before purchasing it. Therefore we "snatched" Mr. Kennedy's FAQ and compare it to our features.


Card Through Window
Card Thru Window
Can it really be performed in full daylight?

Absolutely. Day or night, it doesn't matter.

Read about the cover necessities below...

Absolutely. Day or night, it doesn't matter.

We suggest you do it at night. However we do NOT require curtains and the like...

Is there a lot of preparation involved?

Every known version of the "Card Thru Window" effect requires some advance preparation. John Kennedy's Card Thru Window requires minimal preparation because the special props are already built and ready to use.

Our version adjusts to the size of object so you can create parts yourself (a few minutes and the gimmick is set for the next 100 shows) that work with post cards, photos etc.

Does it work on any window?

Almost all windows will work, including partitioned French windows, sliding glass windows and doors, etc. Locked windows and windows that don't open work, too. Exceptions are strongly tinted, double paned, or unusually thick glass windows. Those don't work because the audience can immediately tell that the card is outside, thus destroying the shock value of the effect.

Same here, except that our card appears instantly out of nowhere hence does not require the window to be covered beforehand unless you want to destroy this strong aspect of the effect.
Does there need to be curtains on the window?

No. The basic presentation uses a covered window (closed curtains, blinds, etc.), but several variations (along with a special prop) are included for uncovered windows. All of the versions are essentially the same effect. Everything is explained in the instruction booklet.

Read the description again...

Our version needs NO cover over the window at all and the card appears out of nowhere. Instantly.

If you work daytimes we include special gimmicks to enhance this effect. As per above, and we are honest, this just works best at night. That's when you usually perform anyhow.

Are you "clean" at the conclusion? Can you leave the card on the glass for the spectators to examine?

The inside of the window is always left "clean" so that your audience will find no evidence. If you want the outside of the glass "clean" as well you must either leave out the last phase where the corner penetrates the glass OR you must remove the card from the outside of the window at some later time. The routine is designed so that you can perform each phase alone or in combination to cover almost any condition you encounter. All of this is covered in the instruction booklet.

Inside AND outside are left clean. You do NOT have to omit any part of the effect.

Best of all: The spectator opens the window and removes the card!

I don't have a computer with a CD player. Can I still learn the routine?

Everything is explained in the illustrated booklet. You don't need to watch the CD ROM to learn the routine.

Our full professional kit includes everything you need to throw all sorts of objects through windows and features a professionally produced VHS tape starring Peter Marvey walking you through every possible situation.
What am I getting for my money?

John Kennedy has worked on this effect for 20 years in a quest to find the best possible solution. You are paying for the best and most practical method there is, along with the necessary props. The price is high to keep the routine out of the hands of "hacks" and less-than-serious performers. Even if they were to learn the secret, they could not easily build the props. Do NOT expect to receive fancy equipment. John has eliminated every complication and has devised the simplest and most practical method possible. The props are precision and well built, but are relatively simple.

We have not seen Kennedy's prop and still believe, that our version is very simple and extremely versatile.

Strong points being, that the card visibly jumps through the window (not just a corner) and that any spectator can handle the window, no traces to be found.

Our price is right for most people on a budget but serious about the art of magic.

What if the main gimmick breaks or wears out?

The main gimmick is meant to use over and over again, but can wear out or become broken over time. Because of the price and exclusive nature of this effect, we give an unconditional lifetime warranty on the main gimmick. If it ever breaks or wears out we will replace it and ship it back to you for a nominal fee. Be careful not to lose it, though. We do NOT sell refills because we don't want unauthorized people performing or having access to the effect at a reduced price.

Nominal fee???

Marvey's Card through Window is a full and professional kit. It teaches you how to adjust the gimmick to all sorts of objects. That's why you are given full tutorials, videos and download material to work this effect without sending parts of it back to us for repair. Once you have it you do it for the rest of your life.

Here's the bottom line.

If you want the most powerful and practical "Card Thru Window" effect that money can buy, you want John Kennedy's Card Thru Window. Period.

Does the Card or Object jump visibly? Can the spectator open the window? Can you fix and adjust the gimmick? Is it set up in 30 secs.? Marvey's Card Thru Window does all that. On top of all it comes with a full warranty, certificate of authenticity and a beautiful hard cover display case.

Claiming to be the most powerful and practical would require us to fiddle with the Kennedy version. We don't have one yet, because ours came out 3 years ago...

$245.- $98.95
Order John Kennedy's Card through Window for $245.- here.
ORDER Our version NOW
Card Thru Window
Complete Pro Kit
Price: $98.95

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